My name is Denzel Green and I’m from Alexandria, Louisiana. I enjoy cooking, dirt bike/ATV riding, gardening, horse handling, and of course all things wine. I also like to travel, which is how I discovered my love for wine and the wine making process. A trip to the Willamette Valley in 2017 cleared the way to a new path that was, otherwise, hazy before. I’ve been on a few career paths but now I believe I have finally found the one that serves me the best.
Dr. Kimberley Dockery is a licensed family therapist who focuses on helping women. When she is not working, she enjoys learning about wine, farming, and accessibility. Kimberley loves art, music, and creating plant based desserts.
Pittsburgh born, and Atlanta raised. I had a lot of interests from playing basketball, to writing terrible poetry/short stories, reading, and listening to music by the Mighty Mos Def to Mumford & Sons and everything in between, I discovered my desire for food and wine when I got my first restaurant job at an Italian restaurant, and I tasted Sangiovese for the first time. Over the last few years, I've been attempting to finish a degree in Communications, establish myself in a career, and further my wine knowledge through the WEST, now officially hold a Level 2 certification. I look forward to continuing to learn from this unique experience.
Marcy has lived in Oregon for the large majority of her life and has recently moved a few miles west of Carlton, Oregon to live in the country. Marcy studied abroad, in England, for several years working towards and obtaining a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, from Leeds Beckett University. She worked in construction as a Project Engineer for six years and during that time, she worked on a number of high-profile projects including the expansion of the Max Light Rail Service in Portland.
Marcy has a strong passion for nature which is one of the reasons her and her husband decided to move their family to the country. They have two children, two dogs and a cat that all enjoy the freedom that country living offers. They have built a hobby farm, that is sometimes confused as a small zoo, which includes chickens, goats and they are about to welcome two miniature donkeys to their growing homestead.
Marcy is very excited to start a new educational journey in agriculture and looks forward to immersing herself in viticulture.
Raven A. Blake (all pronouns) is a creative, cultural & community organizer, food justice activist, sommelier & hospitality professional who has worked in various parts of the food and wine industries, with their knowledge culminating from their work in various restaurants, wineries, food & beverage media, and retail between the NYC area & Connecticut.
Raven comes from a long lineage of African American & Jamaican farmers and is inspired by the activism and love of their great-grandparents, grandmothers, and parents. Their food justice lens has been shaped by experiencing food apartheid for most of their life while working in the hospitality, food & beverage culinary media industries, where they noticed a harmful trend; the projection of false perfection and erasure of global majority culinarians, narratives of Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC), and recognition of BIPOC’s contributions to the culinary world. Raven’s commitment to their work, storytelling and food sovereignty are rooted in their core belief that our stories, real food, our healing, as well as safe, healthy environments and climate resiliency, are absolutely essential for all living beings and the earth.
Raven is honored to be a part of the inaugural OLH harvest cru as they follow their passion for winemaking and using food & beverage to connect communities and inspire positive change.